Na'aleh Day 4: Ashira Rayman

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Day 3 of Midrasha and Yeshiva started off early as we had the option of waking up earlier
and to go for coffees and pastries on Ben Yehuda. Marissa Wilk, our favourite madricha, was
kind enough to accompany us and get up extra early! So a few of us went to get a quick
breakfast on the go before the busy day ahead. It was so nice to be on Ben Yehuda so early
and get some tasty treats! Afterwards we got back to the hotel at 8.00am sharp and
davened shacharit.

When we finished up prayers the boys left on their bus to Yeshiva to begin day 3! And we
left on our bus to Amit! The bus was loud and happy, as we were excited to get back to
learning again! As we arrived there to begin our day we had an art class of canvas painting
with the art teacher. We all chose a special symbol which we connected to; first we sketched
it onto the canvas and then outlined it with special rope and painted it. While we were
painting the teacher played calming therapeutic music to set the vibe which we all really

Our next class was with Rabbi Jonny Sack, which was a double session, where we learnt all
about Tikon Hamidot - character traits. It was very interesting and very engaging! Next it
was lunch time and in the true moriah Jap style, instead of eating lunch at the Midrasha we
decided to order sushi for lunch from Sushi Rechavia which was delivered to the Midrasha.
The Midrasha was quiet as the girls were all away on a tiyul and Shabbaton, so it was just us.
We then had a shiur with one of the amazing previous counterpoint madrichim, Avichai
Berkowits, who came with his wife and spoke about lessons in the parsha. He spoke while
we ate our delicious delivered-sushi for lunch, which we shared with them, and catching up
was so nice!

Two more lessons followed with teachers from the Midrasha, mainly about concepts in
Shabbat which was very helpful! By then we were all quite tired and delirious from the
heavy day of learning! The boys came to pick us up very shortly after the last lesson and we
had a very fun bus ride back to the hotel with music blasting!

We had some free time to relax at the hotel before dinner which was also at the hotel. Once
dinner was finished we went to Elad and Lani Eshel’s house for a challah bake! Everyone had
a great time making delicious challah for Shabbat! We davened a quick maariv when we got
back and had the rest of the night to chill before bed! Overall I rate this day the best so far!!
We made a lot of fun memories and learnt a lot. Looking forward to our first Shabbat in the
Holy Land! Sending all our love to friends and family back home in Sydney - hope you are not
missing us too much!

Na'aleh Day 5: Erin Zimmerman

Na'aleh Day 4: Alon Kopelowitz