Na'aleh Day 10: Mimi Schlessinger

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We woke up very excited for the day ahead of us; it would be another day of some incredible learning. Ashi and I got off to a bit of a late start as we slept through our alarm. After we davened shararit, the girls went and had a very nice calm breakfast in the hotel. We then got on the bus and were ready to go.

Once we got to Midrasha we had a lesson on Tefillah with former Moriah student, Elad Eshel. We all learnt the meaning in Tefillah, which was a very eye opening lesson as many of us didn’t know the meaning of each prayer.

We then learnt about halacha with David Wolfowicz. We learnt about marit ayin, which means the sight of the eye. Marit Ayin is doing something that really is allowed but looks like something that isn’t allowed. It was a very interesting shuir and I personally really enjoyed it.

While we were having lunch we all chatted and reflected on what we had learnt throughout the morning. After lunch everyone at the Midrasha came together and were given a shuir from the Principal Ilana Gottleib. It was based on the upcoming American holiday Thanksgiving, which none of the girls celebrate besides my family and me. The girls learnt that Thanksgiving is not a Christian festival but a Pagan festival, and it has a connection to Judaism, as we believe in gratitude. The shiur was about being thankful and grateful for everything. We wrote letters to someone we appreciate and were told to call them and read the letters out to them on the phone, as it increases our happiness. It was definitely a challenge but it ended very nicely with everyone’s happiness levels having gone up.

We learnt so many new things throughout the day and I left having a different, more meaningful, perspective on life. The boys then picked us up and pretended to all be asleep on the bus. We then went back to the hotel and had a quick dinner.

Without knowing what activity we had in stall for us next, we all hopped on the bus and arrived at Cinema City. It was colourful, with a lit dance floor, and Disney characters to create a vibe. We weren’t able to read what movie we were seeing on the ticket, because it was in Hebrew, but we were excited for this surprise. We got our popcorn and drink and all walked in and sat in a row. When the movie started we were all so excited that we were about to watch the movie ‘Wonder’. Within the first two minutes some girls were balling. Throughout the movie, Erin, Gia and I were sobbing. The movie had a very happy ending and we all really enjoyed it! I would definitely recommend it! We went back to the hotel straight after and davened Maariv. Some people went straight to bed, exhausted, while others still had lots of energy and a few of the girls were mucking around. Today was definitely one of my favourite days on Naaleh! As we are coming to the end of our Na’aleh journey we are really making the most of every second!

Na'aleh Day 11: Kovi Smith

Na'aleh Day 10: Alon Kopelowitz