Day 29 - Lehava - Tali Cohen

Day 29 - Lehava - Tali Cohen

As we begin our fourth week of IST, it’s crazy to think how quickly this trip of a lifetime has flown by. Exploring these three picturesque sites today has enhanced my perspective of the land of Israel and they certainly lived up to my expectations!

After a long and bumpy bus ride through the mountainous desert, we arrived at the base of Mount Masada where we walked up several flights of rocky stairs before arriving at the top. With reddened cheeks and heaving chests, we reached the top and gathered for the morning shacharit prayers in the ancient stone synagogue which our ancestors once walked, lived and prayed in over two thousand years ago. Looking out over the landscape of breathtaking views of the Dead Sea from the top of Mount Masada, I couldn’t help but think of my spiritual connection to the land of Israel and the sacrifices my ancestors made at this very spot. Before heading down the snake path, we stopped at the ruins of many rooms in King Herod’s palace, where we were immersed in history, touching the exact stones that have survived two thousand years. We then stopped at a lookout point where we screamed “עם ישראל חי” in unison and heard the echoes of the mountains respond. As we made our way down the famous snake path, it was difficult to appreciate the view without tripping or rolling an ankle on the way down.

Our second stop of the day was at the spectacular water springs of Ein Gedi in the Judean desert. Here, we admired an oasis of water springs with crystal clear water and beautiful greenery with a backdrop of sky-high mountains. Some of us were brave enough to swim and even drink the cold water whilst others opted for a refreshing feet dip. Photos were taken, rocks were climbed and ankles were rolled but overall it was a stunning oasis, making it yet another natural wonder of Israel.

After visiting another water spring of Ein Gedi, the final (and some would say best) stop of the day was approaching, the Dead Sea! Everyone was buzzing with excitement to ‘swim’ in the lowest point on earth. When we entered the crystal clear water and felt the pure rocks of salt brush against our feet, we took the plunge without trepidation and began to float our way through the water, feeling the unique and unforgettable sensation that can only be experienced at the Dead Sea. Even though I had visited once before, experiencing the Dead Sea with my friends on IST made it all the more special and memorable.

After the girls carefully exfoliated with rocks of salt and mud that had been dug up, we finished off the night with a chanukiah workshop where we painted and decorated chanukiot in the spirit of Chanukah, with prizes being awarded to best ones. It was a great way to end off a great day and I’m excited to see if there is yet to be a better day in the last couple of weeks of this amazing trip.

Tali Cohen - 16.12.2019

Day 29 - Netzach - Ellie Shifroni & Timna Taub

Day 29 - Netzach - Ellie Shifroni & Timna Taub

Day 28 - Lehava - Samantha Shub & Sage Katz

Day 28 - Lehava - Samantha Shub & Sage Katz