Day 15 - Lehava - Zac Grossman

Following a late wake up, Lehava walked down to our food hall filled with an abundance of tasty food, emulating a big home cooked brekky. Feeling refreshed, we made our way onto the busses for our daily 1 hour bus ride from our hotel to Tel Aviv.

For the main attraction, we got the choice of going to either the Blind or Deaf Museum. I participated in the tour of the Blind Museum and this was an incredibly meaningful experience, as we were lead by a guide who was blind himself. This all engaging opportunity improved our understanding of the challenges a blind person goes through and gave us appreciation for our abilities and gift of sight.

We then made our way towards the Old City of Jaffa. This experience differed to the Old City of Jerusalem as the functions of the ancient cities were different. Additionally, the diversity and vibes in Jaffa added to the experience. an example of this was whilst walking through the Jaffa Port, the Muslim call to prayer was being broadcasted whilst religious Jews were walking amongst the street. This allowed us to see the diversity of Israel and how the many different religions and beliefs can live in peace.

Our dinner consisted of some delicious shakshuka and variety of meat to fill us up for the 1 hour bus ride back to our hotel.

We then ended with a quiz game show between boys and girls to show who really knows best. I felt that this helped our year bond together through enhancing our friendships.

Zac Grossman

Day 16/17 + Free Weekend - Netzach - Ezra Franklin

Day 14 - Netzach - Eliana Binetter