Day 16/17 + Free Weekend - Netzach - Ezra Franklin

The past three consecutive days were what I would call one long Shabbat.

Starting on Wednesday afternoon we took on the challenge of working the land like the Israeli pioneers once did. As Netzach, we headed south from Tel Aviv to Dimona. We met Omri, our Bus 3 tour guide for our Hashomer Hachadash. This was the start to the first day of our extended “shabbat”. On Thursday afternoon, we handed our phones to our family group leaders. For many it was very irking to not have a device to take photos and to keep the Netzach Instagram up to date, but for others it was very natural. The disconnect created an environment for us all to be present, and to experience the heart that was laboured into working the land for the State we have today.

On Thursday morning, the majority of Netzach had the same idea of an early sunrise, even though it was half an hour before wake up anyways. Personally, Jesse Balison and I woke up at 6am and watched sunrise, while a group went for a run and others went for a walk. What really set the mood for the day was to step outside and see a herd of Ibex scampering in the premises.

Leaving Sde Boker in the early morning gave us the opportunity to partake in a hike away from the peak of the burning sun. We walked a trail which historically was a water trail for a Navatean city. It was a place of wonders as the valley would only receive water three times a year from the Jerusalem mountains.

From that experience I understood the scarceness of water in the region and the koach (strength) it must have taken to make a barren desert flourish and bare fruit like grapes and olives. We had the opportunity to contribute to the determined koach of the farmers by doing agricultural work on maintaining olive trees, in the region of Mitzpeh Ramon.

To soak in the rest of the Negev we were given the opportunity to feel how our ancestors would travel long distances through the deserts. Having done the camel riding once before I remembered that either the front or back was where it was most painful. Unfortunately I happened to make the same mistake as the last time, and sat on the back of the camel at the Chan Hashayarot Park.

After the fully packed day the group were able to unwind after receiving our phones back. Simultaneously we start heading to our night stay location at Neve Ilan. In conversation with Lehava the location was rated highly, and I have to say Netzach was highly pleased with our taster for the week that we will be staying in that hotel. .Netzach and Lehava were together so we could split off to our respective buses for the free weekend in either Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Rennana, Modiin, Netanya or Haifa.

I was a member of the bus to Modiin and upon arrival my family took me to Beit Shemesh to visit other family. We returned back to Modiin to prepare for Shabbat during which we switched off to be present.

Taking in Shabbat, my family took me to their shule, Lchu Nerannana, where I happened to see Mia Bennet from IST. Throughout Shabbat I found many relations between myself and others. When it comes to Shabbat in Israel, all Jewish families whether religious or irreligious it is almost culturally bound to do Kiddush on a Friday night. I had a Shabbat dinner with family and met my cousin’s friends. I spoke to a range of Olim (those who make Aliyah) from many countries of origin.

Unlike any other week, on Shabbat day I went to shule with my family. We had Kiddush at home separate from the community. As many of you know Kiddush back in Sydney is a communal gathering but in Israel they focus on the sanctity of the ritual more gratefully; this concept was wildly foreign to me. We had lunch again with family, afterwards. I experienced the peace of Shabbat while walking with my cousins.

Over Shabbat I had a realisation, that disconnecting and plugging out allowed me to become present and become appreciative of family. Shabbat changed a lens for me and encouraged me to advance taking on the program head first. As the wise Kovi once said "Better an OOPS then a WHAT IF?".

Keeping that I mind, I put my foot forward to spend as much time as possible with family, while watching nostalgic videos and the soccer, eating some Israeli food unlike the food back home, and saying some final goodbyes. Bye family, bye Modiin and hello second half of IST.

Free weekend - Lehava - Abby Potash

Day 15 - Lehava - Zac Grossman